Saturday, January 29, 2011

WOW - 56 Items for $35.01 Pre-Tax

No picture with this -- but you will get the idea!

20 Cans of Del Monte Vegetables $.49 wyb 10 participating items
6 Balance Bars $.50 wyb 10 participating items
6 Cans Hunts Tomato Sauce $.49 wyb 10 participating items4 Cans Rotel $.49 wyb 10 participating items
4 Kraft Singles $1.69 wyb 10 participating items
2 Philadelphia Cream Cheese $.99 wyb 10 participating items

2 Pkg Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs $3.19 wyb 10 participating items
2 Kraft Easy Mac $.49 wyb 10 participating items
4 Bags Kettle Cooked Chips $.99 wyb 10 participating items

1 Loaf Kroger Bread $.88e (sale)
2 Pkg Kroger Hot Dog Buns $1.19e
1 Box Idahoan Potatoes $1.86e (sale)
1 Dozen Eggs $1.59e
1 Nabiso Go Packs $1.00e (sale)

Used $10.50 with doubles!

Total w/no store card & no coupons = $89.10
Total w/no coupons = $44.75 (including 5 - $5 off 10 participating products)
Total w/no store card & coupons = $78.50
Total w/store card & coupons = $35.01 PreTax

All I can say is YAY ME!

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